Poetry Piercing


  • Shivanand Shukla  Departmental Literature, Shri Sacha Adhyatma Sanskrit College, Arail, Allahabad, India



Without the knowledge of the general there is no curiosity of the particular, so after saying the general form of poetry, the particular form of poetry is being presented. Here the word Bhedan Bhedanam Bheda: Department: This sense is the best medium from the person, and Bhaditete Aanen Iti Bheda: The sound etc. from this Karan derivation is a special feature. Some do the department of Alkaline poetry in terms of the external structure (form) of poetry, while some do it with the view of the principality of Acharya poetry, the principle of illumination. There is no uniformity in the subject of poetic distinction, even among the Acharyans who propose poetic distinction from the principle of poetry, so this subject is being discussed in the context of nature. Thus, if the poetic department is placed in the middle of the sound with reference to the poetry department, then we can say that before the sound, the basic language of the department of the poetry is the external language, whereas after the installation of the sound, almost all the acharyas wrote the poem. The first distinction in the department is considered to be sound poetry.







Research Articles

How to Cite

Shivanand Shukla, " Poetry Piercing, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology(IJSRST), Online ISSN : 2395-602X, Print ISSN : 2395-6011, Volume 3, Issue 8, pp.1970-1979, November-December-2017.