Effect of Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise on Static and Dynamic Balance in Physiotherapy Students
Static Balance, Dynamic Balance, Aerobic Exercise, Anaerobic Exercise, Physiotherapy Students.Abstract
The aim of the study is to evaluate and compare the effects of aerobic and anaerobic exercise on static and dynamic balance in healthy physiotherapy students. 30 subjects were selected and were divided into two groups (n= 15). Assessment was done by stork standing balance test and modified BASS test for static and dynamic balance before the experiment. After completion of the initial balance measurement, group-A subjects were given aerobic exercise which included 15 minutes of Modified Bruce protocol and group-B subjects were given 3 forms of aerobic exercises for 2 weeks alternate days. Post this exercise protocol, balance was reassessed on day 15. Significant changes were found in the pre and post exercise balance scores. Both static and dynamic balance showed improvement but static balance was better improved after aerobic exercise than anaerobic exercise and dynamic balance was better improved after anaerobic exercise than aereobic exercise. Also Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise showed more improvement in static balance than dynamic balance. Thus, this study concludes that both aerobic and anaerobic exercise showed statistically significant improvement in the static and dynamic balance.
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