Passive IP Traceback : Disclosing the Locations of IP Spoofers from Path Backscatter


  • Sudhakar M  Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Dhanalakshmi College of Engineering, Chennai,Tamil Nadu, India
  • Vimal K  Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Dhanalakshmi College of Engineering, Chennai,Tamil Nadu, India
  • Siva Subramanian  Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Dhanalakshmi College of Engineering, Chennai,Tamil Nadu, India


Spoofing, Path Back Scatter, PIT


It is long known attackers may use forged source IP address to conceal their real locations. To capture the attackers, a number of IP trackback mechanisms have been proposed. However, due to the challenges of deployment, there has been not a widely adopted IP trackback solution, at least at the Internet level. As a result, the mist on the locations of hackers has never been dissipated till now. This paper proposes passive IP trackback (PIT) that bypasses the deployment difficulties of IP tracers techniques. PIT investigates Internet Control Message Protocol error messages (named path backscatter) triggered by spoofing traffic, and tracks the hackers based on public available information (e.g., topology). In this way, PIT can find the attackers without any deployment requirement. This paper illustrates the causes, collection, and the statistical results on path backscatter, demonstrates the processes and effectiveness of PIT, and shows the captured locations of hackers through applying PIT on the path backscatter data set. These results can help further reveal IP spoofing, which has been studied for long but never well understood. Though PIT cannot work in all the spoofing attacks, it may be the most useful mechanism to trace hackers before an Internet-level trackback system has been deployed in real.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Sudhakar M, Vimal K, Siva Subramanian, " Passive IP Traceback : Disclosing the Locations of IP Spoofers from Path Backscatter, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology(IJSRST), Online ISSN : 2395-602X, Print ISSN : 2395-6011, Volume 2, Issue 2, pp.100-104, March-April-2016.