Re-discovering of Mechanical Equipments


  • Karol Vasilko  Department of Manufacturing Technologies, Technical University in Kosice, Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies with seat in Presov, Slovak Republic
  • Zuzana Murcinkova  Department of Technical Systems Design, Technical University in Kosice, Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies with seat in Presov, Slovak Republic


mechanics, mechanism, technological development, history, re-discovery


The paper presents the development and origins of mechanics and refers to old machinery, equipment, apparatus, which stand out from technical level of its time. Such analyses find out some similarities – parallels of mechanical principles between present and ancient age. On the base of the study of the origins of mechanics, it can be observed there are some equipments and also technologies that are currently undiscovered but utilized by previous (even extinct) civilizations. We do not expect it, because we have been influenced by the classical, traditional explanation of history from the simple (primitive) to the complex (sophisticated). The authors analyse the idea of “repeated discovery” – re-discovery


  1. F.R. Paturi, “Kronika techniky” (“Chronicle of techniques”). Bratislava: Fortuna print, 1993, p. 654. (in Slovak)
  2. K. Vasilko, “Istorija techniki i technologii” (“History of technics and technology”). Baranoviči: RIO BARGU, 2008, p. 324. (in Russian)
  3. K. Vasilko, “História a vývoj techniky” (“History and development of engineering”).  Prešov, Technical university in Košice, 2012. (in Slovak)
  4. Z. Murčinková, Computation methods for wider application of short-fiber composite. In: Proceedings in Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 5, No. 3, 2010, pp. 149-152
  5. T.K. Derry, T.I. Williams, “A short History of Technology”. Oxford: University Press, New York, 1961, p. 782.
  6. J. Hološ, I. Pfeifer, “A múveltseg kónyvtara a technika vivmanyai az utoisó azaz éblen”. Budapest, 1908. (in Hungarian)






Research Articles

How to Cite

Karol Vasilko, Zuzana Murcinkova, " Re-discovering of Mechanical Equipments, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology(IJSRST), Online ISSN : 2395-602X, Print ISSN : 2395-6011, Volume 2, Issue 3, pp.315-322, May-June-2016.