Radha is in Vallabhasampraday : A Review


  • Prabhat Kumar  Sanskrit Department,Allahabad University, Allahabad, India



The word 'denomination' refers to the principle that came from tradition, custom or any tradition. India is a multi-denominated nation like Nimbarka, Chaitanya, Ballabh, Radhavallabh, Lalit etc. In all these, the Acharyas gave importance to their sect. Every sampradaya has tried very hard to present Srideha with his vision.


  1. Sangmamal Pandey, Survey of Indian Philosophy, Page 338
  2. Pure dynasty, 27
  3. Maiyambandhitheththat ?Shuddhitayate Budhae- Wahi, Pg 28
  4. Principle: 1.66
  5. Baldev Upadhyay - Sriradhha in Indian Classical, p 79
  6. Bhagvat Purana -2.10
  7. Atom-3.329
  8. Same -4.27
  9. Primaertnarnov, p19
  10. Sangamlal Pandey-Survey of Indian Philosophy, p 341
  11. Srimad Bhagvatpurana (Subodhini Vaccine) 2/414
  12. Nature of Sriradhha in Sanskrit Bhakti, p 135
  13. Family pensioner
  14. Sriradhha's form in Sanskrit Bhakti literature, p. 138
  15. Pandit Baldev Upadhyay, Sriradhha in Indian Class, p 85
  16. Acharya Vallabh, Madhurashtra Krkarsika Tika-414
  17. Srikrishna Premmartkototra-shlok 33
  18. Goswami Vithalnath-Radha-Prayer, Chatushlok Shlok
  19. Same, verses 1-4
  20. The same, Shree Swaminarayan Shalok No. 12
  21. Pandit Baldev Upadhyay, Sriradhha in Indian Class, p 82
  22. Pandit Baldev Upadhyay - Sriradhha in Indian Class, p 84






Research Articles

How to Cite

Prabhat Kumar, " Radha is in Vallabhasampraday : A Review, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology(IJSRST), Online ISSN : 2395-602X, Print ISSN : 2395-6011, Volume 3, Issue 7, pp.954-960, September-October-2017.