The Role of Regulator Variables on the Job Satisfaction for the Employees of the Jordanian Department of Statistics


  • Mahmmoud Abedal H. Rished Aldala'in   Department of Statistics, Jordan, South Region


Regulator Variables, Job Satisfaction, Department of Statistics.


The study aimed to identify the level of job satisfaction among the employees of Jordanian Statistics Department , as well as to identify the financial dimension ,career ,and labor relations in the environment of Jordanian Department of Statistics, Moreover, the study conduct all the factors that affect the job satisfaction in the department of statistics,, the researcher adopted the descriptive and analytical approach survey style, where considered appropriate approach to the study, the study population was conducted all the employees of Department of statistics. the sample reflected by 22%, reaching 210 employees ,, the study showed a number of findings, including that there is no statistically significant influence for all organizational factors on job satisfaction among the Department of Statistics employees, as well as there is dissatisfaction influence among members of the population community about the physical variables ,, the study reflects dissatisfaction among the sample towards the variables of work, as well as dissatisfaction among the sample toward future career , the study showing a degree of satisfaction among the sample on the pillar of labor relations, in general, the sample tends lack of job satisfaction, as well as there are a significance recommendations in this study include: re-examine the issue of bonuses and salaries how they are distributed, moreover, the verification of distributed in fairly way, to reconsider the promotion and career development perspectives, finally, reconsider the issue of training in the department of statistics and considered of the dimensions of work and motivation relationships.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Mahmmoud Abedal H. Rished Aldala'in , " The Role of Regulator Variables on the Job Satisfaction for the Employees of the Jordanian Department of Statistics, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology(IJSRST), Online ISSN : 2395-602X, Print ISSN : 2395-6011, Volume 2, Issue 6 , pp.31-39, November-December-2016.