Proximate Analysis of Terminalia Chebula Leaves


  • Shirish S. Pingale  P.G. Department of Chemistry, Arts, Com. & Sci. College Narayangaon, Pune, Maharashtra, India
  • Rajeshwari S. Oza  Department of Chemistry, SN Arts, DJM Commerce & BNS Science College, Sangamner, Ahmednagar, Gujarat , India.


Phytochemicals, Proximate Analysis, Terminalia Chebula Leaves


Natural products have traditionally provided many of the drugs in use. Despite the achievement of synthetic chemistry and advances towards rational drug design, natural products continue to be essential in providing medicinal compounds and as starting points for development of synthetic analogous. With the increasing power of screening programme and increasing interests in the reservoir of untested natural products, many future drug developments will be based on natural products. The Terminalia Chebula leaves were tested for proximate analysis and it shows presence of 0.99% foreign organic matter, 8.09% ethanol soluble extractives, 18.34% water soluble extractives, 8.52% total ash, 7.23% Acid insoluble ash, 11.92% loss on drying and 5.88% moisture content.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Shirish S. Pingale, Rajeshwari S. Oza, " Proximate Analysis of Terminalia Chebula Leaves , International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology(IJSRST), Online ISSN : 2395-602X, Print ISSN : 2395-6011, Volume 3, Issue 10, pp.43-45, November-December-2017.