Optical Efficiency and Selectivity Analysis of Lamp Black as Solar Selective Surface


  • T.K. Jayaleka  
  • J. Packiam Julius  
  • B. Usha  
  • K. Jeyakumari  
  • Bena Jothi  


Selectivity, optical efficiency.


This investigation has been directed towards the calculation of optical efficiency of spiral concentrating type solar cooker with lamp black as solar selective surface. Attempts were made to study the optical performance of the solar selective Coating. Spray painting technique has been adopted for coating the material. Aluminium and Stainless Steel Absorbers have been used and their optical efficiencies were compared with other black coatings. Water heating tests and indoor cooling efficiency. If has been concluded that the optical efficiency of the Spiral Concentrator has the maximum value with Aluminium absorber coated with lamp black.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

T.K. Jayaleka, J. Packiam Julius, B. Usha, K. Jeyakumari, Bena Jothi, " Optical Efficiency and Selectivity Analysis of Lamp Black as Solar Selective Surface, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology(IJSRST), Online ISSN : 2395-602X, Print ISSN : 2395-6011, Volume 3, Issue 11, pp.197-198, November-December-2017.