Antropogenic Pressure on Forest Cover and Its Change Detection Analysis Using Geoinformatics in Holalkere Taluk of Chitradurga District, Karnataka, India
Forest Cover, CDA, IRS Satellite Image, Holalkere, Geo-informaticsAbstract
There is a significant change in forest cover around the globe due to rapid rise in population, land use, forest fire, demand for economic mineral deposits, depletion of rainfall, climate change and global warming (?). The present aim is to focus mainly on planning and management of forest cover for environmental and socio-economic outcome to meet future needs. Mapping of forest cover and its Change Detection Analysis (CDA) is prepared using Survey of India (SoI) topomap of 1:50,000 scale; geo-rectified multi-spectral and multi-temporal image of IRS-1C/1D PAN+LISS-III of 5.8m resolution through GIS software’s. The final results highlight change detection in forest cover using multi-temporal satellite image using geo-informatics for its monitoring and sustainability.
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