Phytochemical Screening and Proximate Analysis of Sweet Orange (Citrus Sinesis) Fruit Wastes


  • Uwague A  Department of Science Laboratory Technology, Delta State Polytechnic, Ozoro, Nigeria


Phytochemicals, Flavonoids, Albedo, Metabolites


Phytochemical and proximate composition of sweet orange (citrus sinesis) wastes parts were evaluated using standard analytical methods. The result of the study arising from ethanolic and aqueous crude extracts revealed the presence of some secondary metabolites which include alkanoids, flavonoids, steroids, phenols, saponins and carbohydrates (reducing sugars). This clearly shows that the supposedly wastes parts of the fruit has some preventive and curative property. The result also showed the percentage (%) moisture, ash, fiber, protein, fat and carbohydrate content of the peel (albedo)to be 2.20, 14.35, 26.50, 4.05, 10.00 and 42.90 respectively, while in the flavedo are 8.00, 11.85, 21.00, 0.91, 44.20 and 14.04(%) respectively. In the seeds, the result shows 6.20, 2.50, 5.50, 3.10, 54.20, and 28.50% moisture, ash, fiber, protein, fat and carbohydrates respectively. They posses various degree of disease preventive property and are valuable sources of raw materials for both traditional and orthodox medicine. These waste products when well harnessed can go a long way in enhancing the economy of a nation and avert environmental pollution and health epidemics.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Uwague A, " Phytochemical Screening and Proximate Analysis of Sweet Orange (Citrus Sinesis) Fruit Wastes, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology(IJSRST), Online ISSN : 2395-602X, Print ISSN : 2395-6011, Volume 3, Issue 7, pp.48-53, September-October-2017.