Impact of Retted Water (Tank) Treatments on Seed Germination And Vigour Index In Sesamum indicum L. Var. Kylm-1 And Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. Var. Jyothika


  • C. Priya  Department of Botany, C.M.S. College, Kottayam, Kerala, India
  • N. Hari  Department of Botany, C.M.S. College, Kottayam, Kerala, India


Retted Water, S. Indicum (Gingelly), V. Unguiculata (Cowpea), Seed Germination, Vigour Index


The study aimed to determine the effects of retted water (Tank) on seed germination and seedling growth of Sesamum indicum L.Var.Kylm-1 and Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. Var. Jyothika plants under laboratory conditions. The effect of retted water were compared to that of zero control (distilled water) and a different concentrations such as 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 ,40 ,45, 50,55,60 and 100% (control) used for seed germination and vigour index of seedlings were studied. It has been concluded that retted water has significantly affected the germination and growth of seeds and seedlings of Sesamum indicum and Vigna unguiculata. As well as lower concentration were effective for germination and is re-usable for agriculture.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

C. Priya, N. Hari, " Impact of Retted Water (Tank) Treatments on Seed Germination And Vigour Index In Sesamum indicum L. Var. Kylm-1 And Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. Var. Jyothika , International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology(IJSRST), Online ISSN : 2395-602X, Print ISSN : 2395-6011, Volume 3, Issue 7, pp.562-566, September-October-2017.