Innovative Solution of Nanoscience for Ecofrindly Control of Mosquitoes : Plan for Community Health


  • Dr. Ashok Pandharbale  


Herbal Plants, Insecticidal Properties, Silver Nanoparticles, Mosquito Repellent.


Mosquitoes are dreadful insects which are widespread throughout the world. Mosquito bite causes disease like Malaria, Filariasis, Dengue, Zika and Chikungunia. Human filariasis is a main health hazard and common socioeconomic problem in tropical country. Recently Dengue and Chikungunia diseases becoming horrible problem of the world. According to WHO approximately half of the world’s population is at risk of Malaria, Dengue and Chikungunia. Overall eradication of mosquito population is impossible; only remedy to avoid mosquito bites. Presently various mosquito control methods are practiced in the world. Chemical mosquito repellents has a amazing safety profile while it contains parathyroid which is proved to be toxic to human causing rashes on skin, brain swelling in children, anaphylactic shock, low BP and eye irritation. Various communities around the world are using chemical pesticide for mosquito control strategies owing to a lack of adequate information. Public awareness and campaigning is necessary in this regard. Communities must boost up the awareness for impediment of ecofrindly mosquito control methods in mosquito-borne illnesses. Community Health care providers must also be erudite about terrible symptom. Present paper focus on formulation of herbal mosquito repellent with nanotechnology and ecofrindly eradication of mosquito population. Herbal mosquito repellents are mostly preferred than chemical mosquito repellents because they are safer and ecofrindly. Some researchers have already noticed that Silver nanoparticles synthesized by using herbal plant leave have tremendous insecticidal properties. The biosynthesis thus resulted and supported by characterization of formulated mosquito repellent with UV photo spectrometer, Transmission Electron Microscope and Scanning Electron Microscope. The mosquito repellency was tested against mosquitoes in captivity. The experiment was carried out during 2013-2016.Perhaps it will be the best solution of nanoscience for ecofrindly control of mosquitoes and best plan for community health.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Dr. Ashok Pandharbale, " Innovative Solution of Nanoscience for Ecofrindly Control of Mosquitoes : Plan for Community Health, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology(IJSRST), Online ISSN : 2395-602X, Print ISSN : 2395-6011, Volume 3, Issue 8, pp.647-649, November-December-2017.