Improving the Ability of Understanding Text Content in The Critical Reading Material of Degree Students Faculty of Educational of Medan State Universitsy Through Contextual Teaching and Learning Strategy


  • Erlinda Simanungkalit  Faculty of Educational Studies, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan, Indonesia
  • Edizal Hatmi  Faculty of Educational Studies, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan, Indonesia


Contextual Teaching and Learning, Reading Ability, Text Content


The research is based on the low understanding of the students on text in High Class Indonesian course especially on the subject matter of "Reading". This is caused by several factors: (1) the learning approach used by lecturers so far has been monotonous or less relevant to the conditions of the students, (2) the level of understanding in the reading material is low so that this affects the score of the students in the Higher Class Indonesian course, (3) students’ interest in studying Indonesian language is very low, (4) student's lack of interest in the learning process, (5) opportunity to ask about the subject is not used (6) at the time of discussion most of the students are inactive, only one or two are active. This is a classroom action research that emphasizes on four research focuses: planning, action and implementation, observation, and also reflection. Subjects in this study are students of Regular Class a of PGSD Faculty of Education Unimed, amounting to 35 students; while the object of this research is improving the ability of understanding text content in the critical reading material of degree students faculty of educational of medan state universitsy through contextual teaching and learning strategy. The result of data analysis on cycle I is that the average score of critical reading ability of High Class Indonesian language obtained by students of regular class A is 74.64, while the average grade score that has been completed in the learning process and based on test result only 45.7% or 16 participants of all study subjects. By this that learning needs to be continued to cycle II. While the results of data analysis in cycle II show a very significant improvement that is 89.39 while the average score of the class is 100%. The learning process is stated done individually and classically on cycle II. Keyword: Contextual Teaching and Learning, Reading Ability, Text Content


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Erlinda Simanungkalit, Edizal Hatmi, " Improving the Ability of Understanding Text Content in The Critical Reading Material of Degree Students Faculty of Educational of Medan State Universitsy Through Contextual Teaching and Learning Strategy, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology(IJSRST), Online ISSN : 2395-602X, Print ISSN : 2395-6011, Volume 3, Issue 8, pp.755-763, November-December-2017.