Clean and green synthesis of structurally diverse 4H-benzo[b]pyrans derivatives in water


  • Somnath S. Gholap  Post graduate Department and Research Centre, Padmashri Vikhe Patil College, Pravaranagar (Loni Kd.),Rahata, Ahmednagar, (MS), India
  • Vinod R. Kadu and Sachin S. Lokhande  Post graduate Department and Research Centre, Padmashri Vikhe Patil College, Pravaranagar (Loni Kd.),Rahata, Ahmednagar, (MS), India


Magnesium sulphate, 4H-Benzo[b]pyran, Dimedone, Aldehyde, Malononitrile, Water medium


Magnesium sulphate has been reported as a cheap and readily available common desk reagent for the synthesis of highly functionalized 4H-benzo[b]pyran derivatives. The synthesis of target compounds was accomplished by one pot multicomponent reaction of aldehydes, malononitrile and dimedone or 4-hydroxycoumarin, aldehyde in under reflux temperature. The corresponding 4H-benzo[b]pyrane derivatives were obtained in good excellent yield under optimized reaction conditions. The methodology prescribed here was found to be adventitious over reported protocols in terms of generality, environment friendliness and economic viability.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Somnath S. Gholap, Vinod R. Kadu and Sachin S. Lokhande, " Clean and green synthesis of structurally diverse 4H-benzo[b]pyrans derivatives in water, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology(IJSRST), Online ISSN : 2395-602X, Print ISSN : 2395-6011, Volume 3, Issue 9, pp.278-282, November-December-2017.