In The Perspective of the Upanishads, "The doctrine of The Godhead"


  • Ashok Kumar Verma  Research Department of Sanskrit Department, Allahabad University, Allahabad Uttar Pradesh India



Spiritual, epistropic and atheist-all these worldly interconnected worlds, through which the liberated souls invented the philosophy of self-innovation and self-discovery, and the Indian tradition is called 'philosophy'. It is undisputed that the origin of Indian philosophers is 'Rig Veda'. In the Rig Veda, the fundamental principles of philosophical thought are attained. In this, Maharishi Prajapati explains the essence of Parmeshay Jagat: "Aniadawatam Swadhya Tadekam1 means that in the beginning of creation, the same principle breathed in with its power without power. Similarly, the Angiras Rishi says about the utility of reasoning for the identity of the reality of truth, '' Gokhshvavn sambhadv sambhon mannansi knowledge '' i.e., meet each other, consider the topic and identify each other's mind - these loans Philosophical ideology is taught. The first is the intellectual, which, upon being able to interpret the elements through its innovative talent, is mounted on the uniqueness and the second reasoning is that, by reviewing the elements by self-reliant intelligence, moving forward towards its goal is located on the desired Siddhrupi boundary.


  1. Gwad 10/129/2
  2. Gwad 10/191/2
  3. Departure - Upanishad, Geeta and Brahmasutra
  4. Shan Shaban
  5. Chhandogyopanishad - 6/2/1
  6. Brihadaranyyakopanishad - 2/1/20
  7. Shweta Shastaropanishad - 6/11
  8. Brihadaranyyakopanishad - 2/4/12
  9. Canopyism - 1/1
  10. Kuppaniishad - 2/2
  11. Mundkopanishad - 3/1/8
  12. Kuppnishad - 1/2/20
  13. Kulton Council - 2/2/8
  14. Kuppaniishad - 2/2/9, 11
  15. Kulton Council - 2/3/3






Research Articles

How to Cite

Ashok Kumar Verma, " In The Perspective of the Upanishads, "The doctrine of The Godhead", International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology(IJSRST), Online ISSN : 2395-602X, Print ISSN : 2395-6011, Volume 4, Issue 2, pp.1192-1198, January-February-2018.