A Probabilistic Path Measurement Approach for Identifying Node Issues in Network Topologies


  • G. Navya  PG Student, Department of MCA, St. Ann's College of Engineering & Technology, Chirala, Andhra Pradesh, India
  • Maddali M. V. M. Kumar  Assistant Professor, Department of MCA, St. Ann's College of Engineering & Technology, Chirala, Andhra Pradesh, India


Network Tomography; Node Failure Localization; Identify ability Condition; Maximum Identifiability


Distinguishing the occurrence and location of performance analysis is difficult to guaranteeing the effective operation of system infrastructures. In this paper, we introduce a structure for detecting and localizing performance irregularities in light of utilizing a dynamic test empowered measurement framework deployed on the periphery of a network organization. Boolean system tomography is an effective tool to infer the state (working/cancelled) of individual hubs from path level calculations extracted by edge-hubs. We think about the issue of optimizing the ability of recognizing system failures through the implementation of monitoring methods. Finding an ideal solution is NP-hard and an expansive group of work has been given to heuristic methodologies giving lower bounds. Dissimilar to past works, we give upper bounds on the highest number of identifiable hubs, given the number of monitoring paths and various constraints on the system topology, the routing methodology, what’s more, the highest path length. The proposed upper bounds describes to a major limit on the identify ability of failures by means of Boolean system tomography. This investigation gives experiences on the most proficient method to design topologies and related monitoring schemes to accomplish the highest identify ability under different network settings. Through investigation and experiments, we show the tightness of the bounds and viability of the design insights of knowledge for engineered and genuine networks.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

G. Navya, Maddali M. V. M. Kumar, " A Probabilistic Path Measurement Approach for Identifying Node Issues in Network Topologies, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology(IJSRST), Online ISSN : 2395-602X, Print ISSN : 2395-6011, Volume 4, Issue 5, pp.29-35, March-April-2018.