Isolation and Characterization of Phosphate Solubilizing Fungi from the Soil Sample of MUTHUPET Mangroves
Mangrove, Rose bengal agar medium, phosphate solubilisation fungi (PSF), Aspergillus niger and A. flavus.Abstract
Phosphorus replenishment, particularly in small holder agriculture, remains a challenge as it is mainly fertilizer dependent. While the user of soluble mineral phosphate fertilizers is the obvious best means to combat phosphate deficiency in soil, they were limited by high cost of fertilizers and availability at farmer’s level. The thesis entitled “Isolation and characterization of phosphate solubilizing fungi from the soil sample of Muthupet mangroves”.Physicochemical characteristics of soils such as moisture, electrical conductivity, pH, organic carbon, salinity, available nitrogen, available phosphorous and available potassium. Dilution plating of soil on Rose Bengal agar medium resulted in the occurrence of 10 species of fungi belonged to three genera viz., Aspergillus sp.,Verticillium sp. and Nigrospora sp.Total soil fungal population density was in the range from (19 to 16 x 10-2 CFU/g) and (22 to 17 x 10-2 CFU/g) in mangroves soil.Out of 10 species two only of fungi Aspergillus niger and A. flavus are solubilize phosphate.Phosphate solubilizing fungi at species under different temperature, pH and salinity showed appreciable growth in temperature 28°C, pH range 4 – 8 and salinity 2 to 10 percentage. The results indicate positive effect of co-application of rock phosphate with phosphate solubilizing fungi on plant growth.
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