Space God : Meridion


  • Ashok Kumar Verma  Department Allahabad University, Allahabad, India



The Vedas have been called apurushya. The strong foundation of Indian religion, culture and civilization that is famous on the foundation stone is known as Ved. Knowledge of Vedas is very important for understanding Indian ethics, lifestyle and religion. The Vedas are the best evidence for the people of the entire religion and the people who are curious about religion. The scriptures such as Vedokhilo Dharmmulam, Dharma Shankar Sankrantamanam Paramansaaruti: 1. Inauguration of this mystery. In fact, 'Vedas' are the aggregates of eternal-realm of knowledge, which have been experienced by the Sukshatkasadharma Rishis, who have seen their first sight-.


  1. Manusmriti - 2/13
  2. Rig Veda Code 5/60/4
  3. Rig Veda Code 1/66/6
  4. Rig Veda Code 5/53/6
  5. Rig Veda Code 1/85/10
  6. Rig Veda Code 5/3/3
  7. Rig Veda Code 1/71/8
  8. Rig Veda Code 3/14/4
  9. Rigveda Code 5/61/14
  10. Dr. Suryakant-translated translation, Vedic religion and philosophy, page 189
  11. Rig Veda Code 5/60/5
  12. Rig Veda Code 1/169/2






Research Articles

How to Cite

Ashok Kumar Verma, " Space God : Meridion, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology(IJSRST), Online ISSN : 2395-602X, Print ISSN : 2395-6011, Volume 3, Issue 7, pp.1236-1241, September-October-2017.