A Smart Algorithm That Enables an Artificial Eye into an Intelligent Artificial Eye


  • Ankita Tiwari  Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Amity School of Engineering and Technology
  • O. P. Singh  Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Amity School of Engineering and Technology
  • Arun Kumar Tiwari  Department of Computer Science Engineering Shri Ram Murti Smarak College of Engineering and Technology


Deep Learning Algorithm, Artificial Intelligence, pLSA.


In this paper there is an introduction of an algorithm which converts a camera, which is known as an artificial eye, into an intelligent eye. Here the use of deep learning algorithm which is most commonly used in the field of artificial intelligence. In this given paper there is an embedded system which detects the presence of a human being and recorded the video at the required time and when nobody is in the range of camera then the recording system will automatically OFF. Raspberry pi3 is used as a processing block of the system and there is an embedded algorithm which helps the camera to identifying the human presence and also identify him. This algorithm is using the probability concept based on pLSA technique.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Ankita Tiwari, O. P. Singh, Arun Kumar Tiwari, " A Smart Algorithm That Enables an Artificial Eye into an Intelligent Artificial Eye, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology(IJSRST), Online ISSN : 2395-602X, Print ISSN : 2395-6011, Volume 4, Issue 5, pp.973-978, March-April-2018.