Environmental concerns in Abhijana Shakuntalam


  • Sushmita Sonkar    National Institute of Sanskrit (MVV) Gagravath Jha Campus, Azad Park, Allahabad, India



The great poet Kalidas, "Abhigyanakkuntalam" is not only the source of Sanskrit literature but also the invaluable fund for world literature, in which the poet has developed his talent. Nature is not used as a compulsory issue in the form of land, but in the form of the play. The human values ??presented by Mahakavi on the practical ground, they are very appreciable. Mahakavi is the subtle vision of nature. The description of nature's beauty in their plays is unique in its own right. Perhaps there will be a rare person in the world who has studied such a thorough and subtle study of living nature. At the beginning of the drama, Mahakavi presented the love of nature. It provides the imagination of environmental protection. The poet has wished Jana Mandal while doing the interview of Divine Lord Shiva's Divine Ashtamuranas in nature, in nature. He has venerated the beautiful forms of Lord Shiva.







Research Articles

How to Cite

Sushmita Sonkar , " Environmental concerns in Abhijana Shakuntalam, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology(IJSRST), Online ISSN : 2395-602X, Print ISSN : 2395-6011, Volume 4, Issue 2, pp.1712-1715, January-February-2018.