Buddhist education: Peace education as a broad base provider


  • Ajit Kumar Yadav  R.B.S.S. College, Agra. India



Only by incorporating many objectives of Buddhist education into the present education system, education system can be made perfect. The teachings of Buddhism and Gautama Buddha were the focal point of the Buddhist education system. But the glimpse of non-violence, humanism, world-monastic world-classism, Basudhiv Kutumbakam, the democratic organization in Buddhist education makes it different from other education system. The abandoned life of students and teachers is such an element that is somewhat reflected in our current education system today. Today, students have developed the greediness of wealth, the desire to live a glorious life, the habit of living in a violence environment, the invisibility of discipline, etc. It is essential that in order to overcome these problems in the students, moral development, personality development, Education should be given to relevant objectives like preparation of livelihood, in which modern society also does not alienate the ancient values ??and civil society ? ??????? ???? ??? ?????? ??? ???? ?? ??????? ?? ????. In today's scenario, the entire world is surrounded by new challenges, in which the threat from nuclear war, cultural extinction, has increased. In this situation somewhere, peace education programs need to be adopted in a personal, socially and culturally manner, because the dreadful effects of falling on all these parties are affecting our human life somewhere. Peace education programs must be included in detail in the current education curriculum, only then will the concept of full development of the underlying powers of man be realized.







Research Articles

How to Cite

Ajit Kumar Yadav, " Buddhist education: Peace education as a broad base provider, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology(IJSRST), Online ISSN : 2395-602X, Print ISSN : 2395-6011, Volume 4, Issue 2, pp.1748-1754, January-February-2018.