Hind Yavan Coins : A Revaluation


  • Dr. Anand Shankar Singh  Principal, Ishwar Sharan Degree College, Allahabad University, Allahabad, India



Prior to the arrival of foreign coins in India, there was its native currency of precious metals here. These currencies were endowed with their specific originality in different areas such as symbols, weight, metallic ratios and monetary exchange. Although foreign exchange traditions such as Hind-Yavan, Sakha, Pahlv, Kushan and Roman have left an imprint on the country's currency here, the development of currency creation. It was mandatory for the ruler to issue the currency under the foreign tradition, it was compulsory to include his name, his title and most of his image. In fact, the emblem of the Hindu-Yavan mudra ideal was also suspected by the pahlavas and the Kushanas.


  1. H.L. Hutton - JnSI, Bid-4, p.114.
  2. R.B. White head - Catalog of queens in the Punjab Museum Lahore, Volume II, Indo-Greek Quines, p.9 - 9; Comparable - Smith - Quinn of Ancient India, pages -7-8.
  3. R.B. White Head - Catalog of Indochrique Coins, Volume-I, p-10; Comparable - Smith - Quinn of Ancient India, pages -7-8.
  4. Up-Page - 10; Comparable - A.K. Bhattacharya - Indian queens in the muse gum, page-12; Smith - Quinn of Ancient India, pages-8-9.
  5. Above, page-11; Comparable - A.K. Bhattacharya - Indian Coins In The Music Gomez, p.12; Smith-Quinns of Ancient India, pages-8-9.
  6. Subsequently, page-12; Comparable - P.L. Gupta - pre-existing coins of India, pp.110-112; A.K. Bhattacharya-Indian Coins in the Muse Gomate, page-12; Smith-Quinns of Ancient India, Page-9
  7. R.B. Whitehead - Catalog of Indo Greek Quines, Volume-Page-13; Comparable - P.L. Gupta - pre-existing coins of India, pages -110-112; A.K. Bhattacharya-Indian Coins in the Muse Gomate, page-12; Smith-Quinns of Ancient India, Page-9
  8. Substance - Page-14; Comparable - A.K. Bhattacharya - Indian Coins In The Music Gomez, p-12
  9. Up - Page-15; Comparable - A.K. Bhattacharya - Indian Coins In The Music Gomez, p-12
  10. Overhead - Page-18
  11. R.B. Whitehead - Catalog of Indogrician Quines; Volume P-14; Comparable - A.K. Bhattacharya - Indian Coins In The Music Gomez, p-12
  12. Up-Page-16; Comparable - Smith - Quinn of Ancient India, p-10
  13. Up-Page-17; Comparable - A.K. Bhattacharya - Indian Coins in the Music Gomez, p.12; Smith-Quinns of Ancient India, p-10
  14. Up-Page-17; Comparable - A.K. Bhattacharya - Indian Coins In The Music Gomez, p-12
  15. R.B. Whitehead - Catalog of the Indo-Greek Quines, Volume-Page-16; Comparable - A.K. Bhattacharya - Indian Coins In The Music Gomez, p-12
  16. Up Page-20; Comparable - P.L. Gupta - India's pre-production coins, p.111-111; A.K. Bhattacharya - Indian Coins in the Museum Gomez, p.13; Smith - Quinn of Ancient India, pages-11-13.
  17. Up-Page-21; Comparable - A.K. Bhattacharya - Indian Coins in the Museum Gomez, p.13; Smith-Quinns of Ancient India, pages-11-13.
  18. Upside-Page-26; Comparable - A.K. Bhattacharya - Indian Coins in the Museum Gomez, p.13; Smith - Quinn of Ancient India, pages-11-13; P.L. Gupta - India's pre-existing coins, page-114-115
  19. Up-Page-29; Comparable - A.K. Bhattacharya - Indian Coins in the Museum Gomez, p.13; Smith - Quinn of Ancient India, pages -13-14.
  20. Up-Page - 27; Comparable - A.K. Bhattacharya - Indian Coins in the Museum Gomez, p.13; Smith - Quinn of Ancient India, pages -13-14.
  21. R.B. Whitehead - Catalog of the Indo-Greek Quines, Volume-Q Page-30; Comparable - A.K. Bhattacharya-Indian Coins in the Music Gomez, p-14; Smith - Quinn of Ancient India, pages-14-15.
  22. Overhead - Page-32; Comparable - A.K. Bhattacharya - Indian queens in the muse gomez, page-14.
  23. Substance - Page-33; Comparable - A.K. Bhattacharya - Indian queens in the muse gomez, page-14.
  24. Substance - Page-54; Comparable - A.K. Bhattacharya - Indian Coins in the Museum Gomez, p.16; Smith - Quinn of Ancient India, p.22
  25. Substance - Page-59; Comparable - A.K. Bhattacharya - Indian queens in the music Gomait, page -16; Smith - Quinn of Ancient India, p.22.
  26. R.B. Whitehead-Catlag of the Indo-Greek Quines, Volume A.P. 61; Comparable-a.k. Bhattacharya-Indian Coins in the Music Gomez, p.16
  27. Overhead - Page-68
  28. Substance - Page-74; Comparable - Smith - Quinn of Ancient India, p.30
  29. Subsequent - Page-82; Comparable - A.K. Bhattacharya - Indian Coins in the Muse Gomate, page -19; Smith - Quinn of Ancient India, p.32
  30. Substance - Page-84






Research Articles

How to Cite

Dr. Anand Shankar Singh, " Hind Yavan Coins : A Revaluation, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology(IJSRST), Online ISSN : 2395-602X, Print ISSN : 2395-6011, Volume 4, Issue 7, pp.323-328, March-April-2018.