Usage of Machine Learning In Business Industries And Its Significant Impact


  • Ashish Shrivastava  CIO - (Chief Information Officer) CMS Info System Ltd., India




The researcher focused on the usage of machine learning (ML) in business industries and its significant impact with respect to extracts meaningful insights from raw data to quickly solve complex, data-rich business problems.ML algorithms learn from the data iteratively and allow computers to find different types of hidden insights without being explicitly programmed to do so. ML is evolving at such a rapid rate and is mainly being driven by new computing technologies.Machine learning in business helps in enhancing business scalability and improving business operations for companies across the globe. Artificial intelligence tools and numerous ML algorithms have gained tremendous popularity in the business analytics community. Factors such as growing volumes, easy availability of data, cheaper and faster computational processing, and affordable data storage have led to a massive machine learning boom. Therefore, organizations can now benefit by understanding how businesses can use machine learning and implement the same in their own processes.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Ashish Shrivastava, " Usage of Machine Learning In Business Industries And Its Significant Impact, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology(IJSRST), Online ISSN : 2395-602X, Print ISSN : 2395-6011, Volume 4, Issue 8, pp.627-634, May-June-2018.