New Approach for Reducing the Size of Ciphertext


  • K. Kasikumar  M.Phil Scholar, Department of Computer Applications, Alagappa University, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Dr. S. S. Dhenakaran  Professor, Department of Computer Science, Alagappa University Tamil Nadu, India


ciphertext, private key, text perplexing, segmentation, binary operation


Cryptography is a mathematical logic used to generate secret code for a given confidential input text for maintaining one’s own secret or sending them to other intended person over internet. Cryptography basically requires key and encryption algorithm to prepare secret code and decryption algorithm to regenerate the original text from secret code. The encryption algorithm is a program that mixes input text with key values to produce secret code. Here the key value is either generated by random number or prepared by some other means. The mixing of input text and key produces unintelligible code called ciphertext. This ciphertext must be very difficult to understand and reproduce the original text. That is, the ciphertext has to hide the meaning of the input text to maintain the meaning of secret code.. The objective of this work is to create an encryption algorithm to produce secret code for a given input text as well as to reduce the size of the ciphertext / secret code. It is well known that private key / public key mechanism supports secret code writing in cryptography. The proposed work uses private (or secret key) key mechanism to implement the requirement of encryption algorithm. It is understood that a complicated key and a good encryption algorithm are needed to create better secret code and challenging to the hackers to understand the secret code.. Hence the intended work depends on the key construction and encryption algorithm. This paper introduces a new approach to construct the private key and an innovative algorithm doing the job of ciphertext generation. This approach inspects only half of the input text for secret code generation and key generation is done from the input text itself. It is designed to conserve space of storage as well as to reduce time of secret code generation for adding security to the input text. The implementation process deploys input text perplexing, segmentation, key construction and binary operation to meet the intended goal.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

K. Kasikumar, Dr. S. S. Dhenakaran, " New Approach for Reducing the Size of Ciphertext, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology(IJSRST), Online ISSN : 2395-602X, Print ISSN : 2395-6011, Volume 4, Issue 8, pp.526-530, May-June-2018.