Vehicle Exhaust Purification by Chemical Process


  • Venkatesh. B. N   Department of Computer Science PESIT Bangalore South Campus, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
  • Shubham Kumar   Department of Computer Science PESIT Bangalore South Campus, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
  • Dr. Revanasiddappa M  Department of Science and Humanities PESIT Bangalore South Campus, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
  • Mrs. SatyaVani N. L  Department of Science and Humanities PESIT Bangalore South Campus, Bangalore, Karnataka, India


Environmental issues, Air pollution, Solar Energy, Chemical process.


Pollution has always been a menace to our environment. Air is the most susceptible to pollution. A major part of air pollutants consist of the exhaust of vehicles. While measures have been taken to suppress the amount of these pollutants entering the atmosphere, it is either ineffective or too expensive. An alternate solution to this problem can be the chemical purification of the exhaust gases. The setup described here has a 4-stage filtering mechanism for utmost reduction of harmful particles present in the exhaust. The first stage involves bubbling of the exhaust through water to remove any particulate matter. In the second phase, the moist gas is passed through sulphuric acid, resulting in the elimination of any bacteria and oxidation of harmful chemicals like Carbon monoxide. The third stage involves the subsequent conversion of these oxides to their respective bases with the help of sodium hydroxide. In the last step, neutralization of carbon dioxide is ensured by passing the gas though lime water. This is a cost effective solution to the increasing amount of pollutants in the atmosphere due to motor exhausts. If implemented, we can ensure a more sustainable and breathable air for the years to come.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Venkatesh. B. N , Shubham Kumar ,Dr. Revanasiddappa M, Mrs. SatyaVani N. L, " Vehicle Exhaust Purification by Chemical Process, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology(IJSRST), Online ISSN : 2395-602X, Print ISSN : 2395-6011, Volume 5, Issue 3, pp.12-15, May-June-2018.