Poetry in the Eyes of Leading Modern Teachers


  • Dr. Shanti Lal Salvi  Literary Department, Faculty of Sanskrit Studies, Kashi Hindu University, Varanasi, India



We all know that the agreement, subject, relationship and purpose of the contract is calculated in the twenty-four quarters. The purpose of this contract is the important place for the purpose, because the purpose is the reason for the trend - "without purpose, there is no motive."


  1. Uttamadhamam naraayana karmasarayamam
  2. Benevolence
  3. The sadhartanam aphragatantana sokartanas tanasavinam
  4. The rest of the black drama future ..
  5. Thank you for your success
  6. Folklore of folk drama (N.Sh. 1/113, 115, 116)
  7. Charitable workmanship
  8. Kori Kirti Preeti Chanda Sadhu Kavinibandhanam .. (Kavyalankar 1.2)
  9. Poetry is a form of visual vision (Kavalankarsutra p. 2)
  10. Ten Broome: Sahrudaman: Pritayatat Rupatam (Voice of Light 1/1)
  11. Kaviye Rasayita Servo No Buddha Niyibbhak (Soundtrack Lochan, page 65)
  12. Anandnisandishu Parikshakusu derivativesamantambalambuddhi:.
  13. Yopatihaasabadhaah sadutsam naamah flavouradamamukhaa .. (Decatur 1-6)
  14. Poetry
  15. Presently Convergent (K.P.10)
  16. Fourth grade receipts: Sudhadalpaadamapi (Literature p. 02)
  17. Tasya Kirti Parmar Mahalad Guru Raje Devi Prasadadanadnek Prajanakasya
  18. Kaavishya .. (Rasgangadhar, p. 12)
  19. Poetry pg. 5-6
  20. . Poetry is Yeshasethartha Shivetaravivartya
  21. Kantavadipadayya Parikarvaray Falak .. (Mandmandaranda Champu, p.118)
  22. Rasandhraika p. 55
  23. Literature p. 3
  24. Same page 5
  25. Same page 6
  26. Same page 3
  27. Literature point p. 8
  28. Sahitya Mimamsa Pt. 11
  29. Kavyakoumudi p. 1
  30. For the purpose:
  31. Chaddaiko kalvidkasika as well as pratibhitake karan ..
  32. Anecdotes
  33. Soul Vishakarna Karmacharya Sarggi Ki Purushannam .. (Kavyalankarika, pp.24-25)
  34. Same page 31






Research Articles

How to Cite

Dr. Shanti Lal Salvi, " Poetry in the Eyes of Leading Modern Teachers, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology(IJSRST), Online ISSN : 2395-602X, Print ISSN : 2395-6011, Volume 6, Issue 1, pp.318-321, January-February-2019.