The Influence of Climate Organization and Individual Characteristics on the Employees' Performance of Regional Office of Sulawesi, Maluku, and Its Alignments


  • Muhammad Ardiansyah  Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial (BPJS), Guna Darma University, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
  • Sri Setya Handayani  Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial (BPJS), Guna Darma University, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia



Organizational Climate, Individual Character, Employee Performance


Work productivity is the effective and efficient utilization of human resources, the accuracy or appropriateness of the use of methods or ways of working compared to the available tools and time, to achieve goals. The main measure is the completion of volumes and workload on time, using minimal human resources. Theoretically, many factors contribute to the productivity of employee work in an organization, the quality of both the external nature and the internal organizational environment. Every employee has different characteristics. This difference illustrates that each employee has different individual characteristics. Rivai (2011) (in Astri, 2015) states that "Individual characteristics are special traits, mental characteristics, morals or character possessed by someone who distinguishes it from others". This study aims to analyze and examine (1) To describe the organizational climate, individual character, and performance of employees of the BPJS Employment Office of the Sulawesi Maluku Regional Office and its Alignments; (2) To analyze the effect of organizational profiles, individual characteristics on the performance of BPJS Employment staff of the Sulawesi Maluku Regional Office and its Alignments. The survey was conducted on 203 employees of the Regional Office of the BPJS Employment Office of the Sulawesi Maluku Regional Office and their ranks were randomly selected. Data collected through observation, interviews, and questionnaires. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis and PLS (Partial Least Square) analysis. The results showed that (1) Organizational Climate, Individual Character and Performance of Employees of BPJS Employees in the Sulawesi Maluku Regional Office and their ranks are classified as good; (2) Organizational climate and individual character significantly influence the performance of BPJS Employment staff of the Sulawesi Maluku Regional Office and its Alignments


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Muhammad Ardiansyah, Sri Setya Handayani, " The Influence of Climate Organization and Individual Characteristics on the Employees' Performance of Regional Office of Sulawesi, Maluku, and Its Alignments, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology(IJSRST), Online ISSN : 2395-602X, Print ISSN : 2395-6011, Volume 6, Issue 4, pp.261-275, July-August-2019. Available at doi :