Microscopic explanation of Dhanovar in Skandapurna


  • Vandana Singh  Sanskrit Department, Allahabad University, Allahabad, India



Dhanurveda's Skanda Purana has been described in detail- Dhanurveda has four feet; Chariots, elephants, horses and major warriors. There are five types of each from the distinction of the place- the first is free, second duty free, third liberation, Chatha, and the fifth unanimous brahwal. There is also two types of war with the distinction between scripture and weapons. There are two different differences between the differences between the Riju war and the Maya war. It is called 'Mantra-Mukti' which is thrown away by the mantra. Shakti Arr, Tomar Yantra, and Patkar Khand etc. have been called 'tax free'. The spear, etc., which is left on the enemy, then it should be taken in hand, it should be considered free. Khadg is called 'aunty' and in that case the war is called 'Bahuukta', which is fought without weapons and used to be like maula.


  1. Skandapuraan Kedarh 126.1-76






Research Articles

How to Cite

Vandana Singh, " Microscopic explanation of Dhanovar in Skandapurna, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology(IJSRST), Online ISSN : 2395-602X, Print ISSN : 2395-6011, Volume 3, Issue 7, pp.1010-1013, September-October-2017.