“Sanitation & Hygiene in Indian Trains: Determination of Bacterial Load on Toilet Door Handles of Train.”


  • K. R. Helge  P.G. Department of Microbiology. Shri Shivaji Science colleage, Chikhali, Buldana, Maharashtra, India
  • Garode A. M.  P.G. Department of Microbiology. Shri Shivaji Science colleage, Chikhali, Buldana, Maharashtra, India



Regularly, approximately 1.4 crore people transported by Indian Railway are most performed mode of transport for the masses in India. The main aim of this work is to prove the prevalence of pathogenic bacteria on door handles of trains toilet and coches. Samples collected from the trains passing through Malkapur railway station of Buldana district. The bacteria isolated were coliforms, E.coli, Pseudomanas, S.aureus & Salmonella. To summarize the contamination of train toilet & coach handles largely unnoticed but can causes serious infection such as Diarrhea, Dysentry,Thyphoid, Hepatitis & Food infection . Hence this will help to evaluate the effect of unhygienic anitation on public helth & ensure the need for basic sanitation practices at Indian railway sation.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

K. R. Helge, Garode A. M., " “Sanitation & Hygiene in Indian Trains: Determination of Bacterial Load on Toilet Door Handles of Train.”, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology(IJSRST), Online ISSN : 2395-602X, Print ISSN : 2395-6011, Volume 4, Issue 1, pp.361-362, January-February-2018.