Potentials of Ensiled Panicum maximum with Cassava Peel and Poultry Droppings as Ruminant Feed During Dry Season
Panicum maximum, Dried cassava peel, Dried poultry droppings, Chemical composition, Silage quality, in vitro gas production.Abstract
In vitro gas fermentation techniques stimulate the rumen fermentation process and it has been used to assess the potential nutritive value of ensiled Panicum maximum with dried cassava peel and dried poultry droppings. The parameters of interest are silage quality, chemical composition, in vitro gas production volume over 24hours, metabolizable energy (ME), organic matter digestibility (OMD) and short chain fatty acid (SCFA). Six different silage treatment compositions T1 to T6 were applied in the experiment. All the silage treatments were firm in texture except silage T6 which was moderately firm. The colour varied from very brown, brown and light brown. The smell of the silage treatments are almost pleasant, pleasant, offensive and fairly pleasant. The silage dry matter content (DM) ranged from 21.1%-57.15%, crude protein content (CP) from 11.85%-19.15%, ash from 8.90%-41.65%, ether extract (EE) from 2.15%-2.75%, neutral detergent fibre (NDF) from 48.20%-57.00%, acid detergent fibre (ADF) from 23.85%-36.35%, hemicellulose from 20.25-23.30 and cellulose from 11.45%-19.40%. The cumulative gas production value ranged from 4.67 and 32.67ml/200mgDM at the end of 24hours of incubation with T1 having the highest value. The metabolizable energy (ME), organic matter digestibility (OMD), and short chain fatty acid (SCFA) were between 27.65%-51.89%, 3.97%-7.60% and 0.05%-0.69% respectively. Treatment 1 had the highest values for gas volume production, ME, OMD and SCFA. Ensiling Panicum maximum with dried cassava peel and dried poultry droppings is sufficient to meet the nutritional requirement of ruminants for optimal productivity.
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