Invitro Screening and Molecular Characterization of Trichoderma Harzianum Against Phytophthora Palmivora (Butl.,) Causing Root Rot Disease in Caricapapaya L.
Fungicides, T. harzianum, GC-MS, Biocontrol.Abstract
The present investigation showed Trichoderma. harzianum exhibited promising biocontrol ability against P. palmivora (Butl.) by dual culture experiment and poisoned food technique. T. harzianum was found to be the most effective antagonists against P. palmivora (Butl.). GC-MS analysis of ethyl acetate extract of the filtrate of T. harzianum revealed the presence of 17 compounds by representing 17 prominent peaks. The major phytocompound of T. harzianumwas Diethyl Phthalate (RT= 4.105 min) with 29.994 % of peak area.The ITS region gene sequence of potential biocontrol fungus obtained in this study were deposited in GenBank under the accession number KY346985. The sequence of potential biocontrol fungus showed the maximum homology with T. harzianum (GenBank Accession Number KC33021) by BLAST homology analysis. Therefore potential biocontrol fungus was further confirmed as T. harzianum by molecular analysis. The secondary structure of ITS region gene of T. harzianum showed 45 stems, 28 bulge loops and 12 hairpin like structure respectively. The free energy of ITS region gene of T. harzianum secondary structure was – 291.0 kkal/mol. The total restriction enzyme sites of ITS region gene of T. harzianum were 35. The GC and AT content of ITS region gene of T. harzianum were found to be 56 and 44% respectively. These exacting results suggested that fungicide play an important role in controlling the phytopathogenic fungi.
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