Comparative Study of Personal Values of Women Teachers Working in Self-Financed Co-Education and Women's Education Institutions


  • Akhilesh Kumar Maurya  Research Fellow, Department of Education, Nehru Gram Bharati Deemed University, Prayagraj, India
  • Dr. Arun Kumar Mishra  Assistant Professor, Department of Teacher Education, Nehru Gram Bharati Deemed University, Prayagraj, India



Values ​​are related to our priorities. For example, a person assigns value to power, wealth and name in this world, but which of these three he gives primacy to him first, he will decide by taking into account the comparative value of these three and in doing so the successive value of each. or sequentially. Suppose he gives the first priority to 'wealth', puts 'power' second and gives 'name' the third place, then it is clear that he has been able to make such a decision only after determining the value. That person will want to get money on the first number, power on the second and will desire name after power.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Akhilesh Kumar Maurya, Dr. Arun Kumar Mishra, " Comparative Study of Personal Values of Women Teachers Working in Self-Financed Co-Education and Women's Education Institutions, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology(IJSRST), Online ISSN : 2395-602X, Print ISSN : 2395-6011, Volume 8, Issue 3, pp.966-973, May-June-2021.