Optimal Interleaving Angle Determination In Multi Paralleled Converters Considering the DC Current Ripple and GRID Current THD
Interleaving, grid current, THD, convertersAbstract
Among different options available for wind energy system, this research is focused on directdriven Synchronous generator based variable speed wind turbines that are connected to powergrid via modular converter units. Compared to single full size power converter, modular designhas higher reliability/redundancy, better harmonic performance, lower developmental cost andhigher efficiency.Better harmonic performance of modular structure is possible through interleaving whicheffectively reduces ripple in the output current, enabling use of smaller sized filter components.Focus of this research is to design a controller that can perform automatic interleaving ofmodular three-phase converters used in above cited wind energy system. Developed controlalgorithm will have critical decisions carried out by local controllers. With minimumcommunication overhead the controller will ensure interleaved operation of parallel modulesunder all conditions.
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