Transient Stability Minimization for UPFC Controller Using ANN
Offshore wind farm(OWF), Seashore wave farm(SWF), Unified power flow controller(UPFC)Abstract
Renewable energy will become an important part of power generation. The problem of voltage stability has become a major disquiet in power system control operation. Seashore power generation combined with offshore wind turbine generators will become a new method for large electric energy production in the future. Here the offshore wind farm and seashore wave farm are integrated to produce large electricity and is fed to an onshore power grid through an UPFC. The UPFC is designed using ANN controller to simultaneously achieve the power fluctuation mitigation and dynamic stability improvement. Soft computing method of ANN is used to predict the power flow problems and voltage stability. The ANN controller is trained by using Hybrid Learning Algorithm. The simulation results shows that the proposed system can effectively achieve the stability improvement.
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