Synthesis and Antifungal Activity of Chlorosubstituted 1-Phenyl-∆2-Pyraoles and 1-Phenyl-∆2-Pyraolines on Plant Pathogen Alternaria Solani
Alterneria Solani , Antifungal and Antibacterial Activities , Pyrazoles, PyrazolinesAbstract
Alterneria leaf blight is one of the most important disease of potato worldwide. During 2009 – 2010 in the Kashmir valley surveyed that he disease was prevalent in all the potato growing areas. The overall mean disease incidence and intensity ranged from 24.54 to 28.23%. In early stages of disease development , small irregular to circular dark brown spot on lower leaves appear meaning 0.5 mm in size. The aim of the present study was to investigate the antifungal and antibacterial activities on Alterneria solani. Alterneria solani was procured from genuine agricultural agencies. The compound synthesis in part I was screened invitro for their antifungal & antifungal activities by disc diffusion method.
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