Properties of Certain Bilateral Mock Theta Functions-IV


  • Dr. Mohammad Ahmad  Department of Mathematics National Defence, Academy Khadakwasla Pune. Maharastra, India


Mock theta functions, bilateral mock theta functions, Lerch transcendent, F-function.


Bilateral mock theta functions were obtained and studied in [23]. We express them in terms of Lerch's transcendental function f(x, ?; q, p) We also express some bilateral mock theta functions as sum of other mock theta functions. We generalize these functions and show that these generalizations are F_q functions. We give an integral representation for these generalized functions.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Dr. Mohammad Ahmad, " Properties of Certain Bilateral Mock Theta Functions-IV, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology(IJSRST), Online ISSN : 2395-602X, Print ISSN : 2395-6011, Volume 3, Issue 7, pp.789-793, September-October-2017.