Socio-Political Views Based on George Orwell Fictions


  • Madhulika Kumari   MA, BRABU, Muzaffarpur, Pursuing Ph. D (English), LNMU, Darbhanga, India


A variant change has occurred in the field of English literature after independence in India. The impact of pre-colonial literature continued for some time after freedom of India. The genre of literature like drama, novels and poems brought a tremendous change in its texture and appeal the genuine interest and attitude of the modern people towards reading have changed. George Orwell, an artist deeply rooted in the Indian soil is a great writer presenting everything before the reading public with a definite purpose. When we go through his works, we feel and find the presence of some meaning and message everywhere. His books reveal the various theme of poverty, Socialism, Capitalism, East-West Encounter, condition of wars and such things. Orwell the gifted artist is a read writer, as most of his important works contain the element of relevance, and that is why, they are things in his novels which are still relevant after such a long time. His significant Novels, Burmese days, A Clergymans's Daughter, Keep the Aspiditra Flying, Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty Four are quite famous and popular. Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty Four have gained much name and these two novels remains always in lime-light because of delineation of important themes. Animal Farms deals with the political thoughts whereas Nineteen Eighty Four depicts the picture of war-time world of 1944.


'Examination Guru' is a novel of consciousness of social reality. This novel depicts some of the problems arising from the distractions encountered in the Indian life of his period and some solutions have been found. 'Examination Guru' is the first novel to depict this type of social consciousness. It is this socialism that really makes modern literature different from previous literature. This brings literature closer to normal life.


  1. Lewis Mumford, The Story of Utopias. New York: Viking Press.
  2. George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four. London: Penguin Books, 1964,
  3. Subhash Chandra. Conviction and Contradictions: A study of George Orwell. New Delhi.
  4.  John Atkins, “Orwell in 1984”, Oldsey and Browne.
  5. Mark Connelly, The Diminished Self: Orwell and the loss of Freedom, Pittsburgh.
  6. George Orwell, Homage to Catalonia, London: Penguin Books,1989.
  7. John Newsinger, Orwell’s Politics. London.
  8. Robert A. Lee,:The Uses of Form: A Reading of Animal Farm.” Oldsey and Browne.
  9. George Woodcock, The Crystal Spirits: A Study of George Orwell. Montreal: Black Rose Books, 2005.
  10. RODDEN, J. (2007). The Cambridge Companion to George Orwell. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  11. 11. SAVAGE, R.L., Combs, J. & Nimmo, D. (eds.) (1989). The Orwellian Moment: Hindsight and Foresight in the Post-1984 World. Fayetteville: University of Arkansas Press.
  12. 12. STEINHOFF, William R. (1975). George Orwell and the Origins of 1984. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.






Research Articles

How to Cite

Madhulika Kumari , " Socio-Political Views Based on George Orwell Fictions, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology(IJSRST), Online ISSN : 2395-602X, Print ISSN : 2395-6011, Volume 4, Issue 11, pp.694-697, November-December-2018.