Botany in Vedas


  • Shobha Devi  Department of Sanskrit, N. G India mother. V. Kotwa Jamunipur, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • Dr. Devanarayan Pathak   Head of the Department, Department of Sanskrit, N. G India mother. V. Kotwa Jamunipur, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India



Vedic literature, the invaluable and inexhaustible fund of knowledge, is the foundation of Indian culture and knowledge science. Veda is a supernatural remedy for the attainment of isht and avoidance of evil. Vedas have many elements and principles related to medical science to keep human life safe and healthy along with religion.


  1. R 1/176/15
  2. Susruta Suu. 24/10/20
  3. R 10/97/4
  4. R 10/90/4
  5. R 10/17/1
  6. R 10/164/1
  7. R 10/137/03
  8. Charak Suu. 1 / 120-123
  9. Bhamini Vilas
  10. Yajurveda 12/8
  11. Yajurveda 12/91
  12. Charak Suu. 1/70/72
  13. Charak Suu. 30/21
  14. Atharvaveda 2/31/3
  15. Atharvaveda 6/10 / 1-3
  16. Atharvaveda 4/17 / 6-8
  17. Atharvaveda 4/37 / 4-6
  18. Atharvaveda 10/2/32
  19. Charak Suu. 30/31






Research Articles

How to Cite

Shobha Devi, Dr. Devanarayan Pathak , " Botany in Vedas, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology(IJSRST), Online ISSN : 2395-602X, Print ISSN : 2395-6011, Volume 4, Issue 2, pp.2207-2215, January-February-2018.