Summarizing Health Review using Latent Semantic Analysis


  • Mozibur Raheman Khan   Department of Computer Science, Bishop Heber College (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Rajkumar Kannan  Department of Computer Science, Bishop Heber College (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India


Health Rating, Latent Semantic Analysis, Bottom-up Approach, Health Consumers.


The amount of reviews is written by health consumer for health service supplier is growing every day. Text summarization reduces info as a shot to alter users to seek out and perceive relevant services of a health service supplier additional quickly and effortlessly. During this paper, we tend to propose a health review-summarization system based on features. The health-rating information relies on sentiment-classification results of the reviews. The feature-based health summarizations are generated from the reviews of health provider. We tend to propose a completely unique approach supported latent semantic analysis (LSA) to spot health options. What is more, we've got reduced the dimensions of outline supported the health options obtained from LSA. We have considered bottom-up approach for reviews collection and this approach provides a better reliability among health consumers. We think about each sentiment-classification accuracy and system latent period to style the system. The summarization of health reviews can be applied to the reviews of different service providers. Recent years have witnessed a significant growth to analyse the reviews and techniques have been developed to judge numerous summarization techniques in various domain. The goal of this paper is to provide short summaries of health reviews authored by health customers for varied health service suppliers


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Mozibur Raheman Khan , Rajkumar Kannan, " Summarizing Health Review using Latent Semantic Analysis, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology(IJSRST), Online ISSN : 2395-602X, Print ISSN : 2395-6011, Volume 4, Issue 5, pp.1515-1524, March-April-2018.