Assessment of Co-Morbid Factors Associated with Text-Neck Syndrome among Mobile Phone Users
Text Neck Syndrome, Forward Head Posture, Grip StrengthAbstract
Objective: To assess the co-morbid factors associated with Text-neck syndrome among mobile phone users and also identify their severity.
Materials and Methods:59 confirmed cases of Text-Neck syndrome within 18-25 years of age who use mobile phone on an average of about 3 or more than 3 hours in a day and having 3 out of 6 symptoms of Text-Neck were taken and Forward head posture, Grip strength, Active cervical joint ROM and Neck muscles’ strength were assessed in them and the measurements were noted.
Results: 100% showed neck pain and Forward head posture while 94.91% with upper back pain, 89.83% with headache and poor grip strength and 59.32% with shoulder pain.
Conclusion: There are various co-morbid factors of Text-Neck syndrome out of which severity of Neck pain and upper back pain is more followed by headache, shoulder pain. Also Forward Head Posture is one of the main serious co-morbid factors. Along with that, cervical joint ROM mainly flexion, extension and lateral flexion (left and right both) are restricted. As stated above, smartphone induced neck pain and other co-morbid factors are of chronic, progressive nature, timely interpretation and interventions along with postural correction will be the key entities to deal with Text-Neck syndrome.
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