Study of the Impact of The Deprivation of Students Studying at Secondary Level on Their Academic Achievement


  • Syarama Yadav  Associate Professor, Faculty of Teacher Education, Nehru Gram Bharti Honored University, Allahabad, India
  • Amit Singh  Research Scholar, S R F (Education), Nehru Gram Bharti Honored University, Allahabad, India



The title of the study presented is "the study of the impact of the recruitment of students studying at secondary level on their academic achievement". For the purpose of which the impact of both the students and the students on their educational achievement has been noticed under the students. Under the hypothesis, the null hypothesis has been tested. Under the research method, the survey method has been used under descriptive research. In the form of demonstrations, 10 secondary schools of Prayagraj district were selected from stratigraphic method and 400 students studied in it (200 students and 200 students) were selected randomly by random method. In the study, the scores achieved by Prof. KS Pal, Prof. K. S. Mishra and Prof. Kalpelta Pandey, and the score of Class 10 examination of students, have been included as an educational achievement for measuring the deprivation. Therefore, the findings of the deviation have a positive effect on the academic achievement of students. Government policies have been launched to increase the academic achievement of the students in the wake of deprivation, but there is no responsibility by the government policies, the society, the family, the school etc., that the knowledge of the right should be knowledge of deprivation, to increase the academic achievement of the students. Practicals that can affect students' physical, mental, and emotional intelligence in terms of deprivation While reducing the boost their academic achievement.







Research Articles

How to Cite

Syarama Yadav, Amit Singh, " Study of the Impact of The Deprivation of Students Studying at Secondary Level on Their Academic Achievement, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology(IJSRST), Online ISSN : 2395-602X, Print ISSN : 2395-6011, Volume 4, Issue 2, pp.1974-1980, January-February-2018.