Medicines in Vedas: One Parallel


  • Ramanand   Sanskrit and Prakrit Linguistics Department of Lucknow University, Lucknow, India



The Vedas are the renewable reserves of eternal knowledge. There is no such area of ??life which has not been discussed in the Vedas. One of the topics discussed in the Vedas is Ayurveda. The origin of Ayurveda is- Oudhid-Vignan. Under the medicinal tree-tree, vegetation, creepers, gum, food, minerals, water and all the elements that hold life are included. The word 'Ozzati' is an often used word, whose common meaning is often prevalent in the form of 'herb', but it is a mistake to treat the medicinal to be limited to mere 'herb'. Many scholars have given classical derivatives, which reveal its mystery.


  1. Vamanashivaraptay Kosh, p.231
  2. Kashyap Sanghita Khasasthan 3/27
  3. Osha Dhyatitat Medhaayya: Sambhavan- Sathput Brahmin 2/2/4/5
  4. Ingredients: Oshayyna Daryanti W. Dhamad Dhyanti or
  5. -Nirukt 9/22 Durgacharya Sanskrittika, Chhajjuram Shastri
  6. Interpretation on Atharva Veda 6/95/3
  7. Oudhhi: Fruitpakanta Sats Amarkosaur 2/4/6
  8. Rejuvenation of blood
  9. Rasah: Rehabilitation: Caliber Revival: - Sushruta Sanghita Formation 1/26
  10. Oshadhibhyanam Anna Masah: Annad Bhautani Giantte Giantinen Vardhante Aadatmananan jyishtham Lately allobody
  11. -TetteerOoopanishad Brahmanandvalli, 2nd Anukak
  12. Ih Khalu Ayurveda Name Yadupangamtharvadasi-Sushrut Formula 1/6
  13. Tatera Bhishna Page 4 and Chaturammrakasamamurjurathvvadanamatnathnothnavarveda Bhaktipradeshya: Vedo Abhavathvavana-Charak Sanghita Shrut pathhan 30/18
  14. Gupta Brahmin 1/1/7
  15. Tamoshihshishi Aninci: - Rigveda 7/4/5
  16. Kashyapa Sanghita Khandan 3/35
  17. The words 'drug' are used by the omnibus experts. 'Sarvam' Initenan Ghritateladikamyabashadwadashayyam- Ram Rashmatika of Amar Kosh 2/4/135






Research Articles

How to Cite

Ramanand, " Medicines in Vedas: One Parallel, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology(IJSRST), Online ISSN : 2395-602X, Print ISSN : 2395-6011, Volume 3, Issue 1, pp.726-731, January-February-2017.