Revamping Primary Education : Issues and challenges


  • Dheerendra Kumar Singh  Research Scholar, Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Awadh University, Faizabad, India



Education is a life-long process that starts from the birth of a child and goes on throughout life. The basic objective of education is to make the all-round development of the child, making the child a decent and adjusted citizen of the society. In view of the objective of all-round development of the child, emphasis should be on physical, mental, and social development. Primary education which is the basis of education of the life of a child. In this stage the physical and mental development of the child also happens. There are also other activities along with knowledge enhancement in the school. Apart from the child's knowledge related to the curriculum, the activities performed in the school are called co-operative verbs. Such as sports, educational excursion, debate, language etc., in which children develop independent power of distress and develop their balanced development. Prior text concomitant actions were not given special significance, it was known as additional work after the expiry of school time. But in view of the importance of present time, text co-operative actions have started to be considered as the necessary component of the school curriculum. This can be used to make the knowledge of students practical. The right direction can be provided to move forward according to the interest of TABA Balakans. Textual action involves the development of the qualities of citizenship in the Balkans, the development of socialism, the use of leisure, the use of knowledge in the behavior of knowledge, the sense of self-governance, mental development, physical development, entertainment ethics and values, which is an all-round development of the child. There are essential elements. Therefore, the importance of the text co-operative actions in the school should be accepted and giving effect to the text co-ordination with effective placement in time table.







Research Articles

How to Cite

Dheerendra Kumar Singh, " Revamping Primary Education : Issues and challenges, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology(IJSRST), Online ISSN : 2395-602X, Print ISSN : 2395-6011, Volume 3, Issue 7, pp.1301-1304, September-October-2017.