Histopathological Characterization of Ichthyopthirius Multifilis Infecting Cirrhinus Mrigala in Freshwater Of Aurangabad Region Maharashtra


  • Siddiqui Shaista Rahat Research Scholar, Department of Zoology, Maulana Azad College, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India Author
  • T.T Shaikh Associate Professor and Research Guide, Department of Zoology, Maulana Azad College, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India Author




Histopathological examination, Cirrhinus mrigala, gills, Ichthyopthirius multifilis


Ichtoptheres multifillis commonly known as Ich is a parasitic protozoan that has been thorn in the side of aquarium and aquaculture industries. Due to I. multifillis infection fish become lethargic dull their scale become rough discoloured eyes white spots appear on gills inflammation around eyes gills. This research paper aims to provide histopathological examination of gills was done which shows damage to skin in Cirrhinus mrigala.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Histopathological Characterization of Ichthyopthirius Multifilis Infecting Cirrhinus Mrigala in Freshwater Of Aurangabad Region Maharashtra. (2025). International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology, 12(1), 404-406. https://doi.org/10.32628/IJSRST25121182

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