Radiotherapy 3D Isodosezones Graphical Optimization for Hyperfractionated Treatment Planning in Lung and Prostate Tumors with Bed Pareto-Multiobjective Model Dataset


  • Francisco Casesnoves PhD Engineering, MSc Physics-Mathematics, Physician. Independent Research Scientist. International Association of Advanced Materials, Sweden. UniScience Global Scientific Member, Wyoming, USA Author



Biological Effective Dose Models, Pareto-Multiobjective Optimization, Radiation Therapy Optimization, Radiation Therapy Optimization Nonlinear Optimization, Radiotherapy Treatment Planning Optimization, Artificial Intelligence, Genetic Algorithms


In a recent contributions, [102], 3D imaging-processing Isodosezones [ Casesnoves, 2022 ], delimited by 3D Isodoselines were explained in lung cancer and other tumor types, such a sprostate. The radiotherapy model applied was the classical BED one algorithm. Modern biological-model-based Treatment Planning Optimization can get objective improvements by using Isodosezones/lines when selecting the optimal dose delivery/schedule for any personalized treatment. Improved programming, [ Casesnoves, May 7th, 2024 ], and engineered software was developed for numerical hyperfractionated 3D TPO lung and prostate cancer imaging-processing database. Mathematical algorithms are detailed. A series of graphics results obtained with the 3D Imaging-Isodosezones Pareto-Multiobjective Optimization programming is shown and detailed. Applications in radiotherapy medical physics are subsequently briefed. An illustrative review of previous cancer studies with 3DInverse and 3DGraphical Optimization is included.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Radiotherapy 3D Isodosezones Graphical Optimization for Hyperfractionated Treatment Planning in Lung and Prostate Tumors with Bed Pareto-Multiobjective Model Dataset. (2024). International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology, 11(4), 89-103.

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