A Study of Performance and Perspectives of Higher Education: In the 75 Years of Independence in India
Higher education, Education Commission, NAAC, Pedagogy system, AISHE, Gross entrance magnitude relationAbstract
Keeping in perspective the rapid changes taking place in the society, higher education should possess various qualities like inculcation of confidence and ability to take responsibility and prepare students to be effective within the circumstances of their lives and work, and promote the pursuit of excellence in development and application of knowledge and skills. Education is one of the essential and decisive factors for the development of a country. It needs to be transformed according to the needs of the times and the changing scenario of the world. It offers the opportunity to critically reflect on social, economic, cultural, moral, and social aspects. spiritual problems of mankind. India needs more efficient and educated people to boost its economy. In order for India to develop as a centre of learning or become a prosperous partner in a global economy, India must do improving the quality of education in general and higher education in particular. This document is of immediate relevance in raising awareness of many issues of concern that need to be addressed by stakeholders at the national and global levels. The study is also unique in that it provides a better understanding of the current scenario of the country's higher education system and its growth pattern since independence.
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